Constant capital

Constant capital referred to in the theory of Karl Marx, so to bourgeois economists anknüpft in front of him, the part of the created by the entrepreneur capital, which is not increased in the production process, but only obtained by its exchange value is transmitted by the work on the goods produced. Therefore, this capital is constant, as opposed to variable capital, which consists in the salary for the work force, and multiplies in the production process through the formation of new value.

The constant capital consists of two different parts, which differ in the value of circulation behave and therefore already by Adam Smith as " fixed capital " and " circulating capital " were called. Rosa Luxembourg added these categories according to their writing ( Collected Works V) " The accumulation of capital " to the terms " fixed constant capital " and " circulating constant capital " together and thus made the first woman to make an important contribution to the development of the economy.

The fixed constant capital consists of land, buildings, machinery, tools and larger parts. It is created when you start a company and then transfers its exchange value within the period of depreciation on the goods produced. The fixed constant capital is divided so

The circulating constant capital consists of raw and auxiliary materials ( including those of the "ideal [= non-material ] aids" electricity and rent ). It is created when you start a company and transfers its exchange value within a capital envelope completely off the produce goes with this in circulation, its exchange value separates on sale (along with the fixed constant part of capital, the variable capital and surplus value, on the individual commodity accounts ) from the use value of the product and is circulated in the form of money in circulation, the value for entrepreneurs back, which invests it in raw and auxiliary materials again. Therefore, it forms together with the variable capital, but without the added value of a part of the " circulating capital", which repeats this cycle continuously described. The circulating constant capital shares
