Constantine's Bridge (Mysia)

40.20409959001228.441473841667Koordinaten: 40 ° 12 ' 14.8 "N, 28 ° 26' 29.3 " E


Rhyndacus ( Adırnaz Çayı )

The Constantine bridge was a late antique bridge in Mysia in modern day Turkey.

The after the year 258 AD, built structure crossed the river Rhyndacus, today Adırnaz Çayı in Uluabat ( Lopadium ). The bridge name derives from the Byzantine period, as one of St. Helena the Emperor Constantine the Great consecrated chapel crowned the building. At a local visit at the beginning of the 20th century, the English archaeologist Frederick William Hasluck found only a few remains. No arch remained intact, and only a number of broken pillars piled up on the right bank. The masonry consisted of stone blocks with rubble stone filling.

In addition to Constantine bridge still some considerable remains of Roman bridges over the neighboring rivers have in Mysia preserved, including the Makestosbrücke that Aesepus Bridge and the White bridge over the Granicus.
