Constitution of the Year XII

The Constitution of the First French Empire from May 18, 1804 (French official: Senatus - consulte organique du 28 floréal to XII ) certain Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of the French. It was replaced on June 4, 1814 the Charter Constitution Nelle, which introduced the kingdom again.

She was drafted by the Constitutional Council ( Senate conservateur ) when prompted by Napoleon, who was then First Consul for life and confirmed on November 6, 1804 by popular vote.

The existing text articles from 142 built in France, the First Empire ( First Empire ). Determine the first two articles that France is ruled by an emperor ( ' Empereur " ) and that is that emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

Articles 3 to 8 govern that when Napoleon's death the imperial dignity passes to his male descendants. Articles 9 to 16 brought by members of the imperial family in the princely status, but also determine that this may not marry without the consent of the emperor.

The introduction of six Erzämtern ( Grandes Dignités ) and other high-ranking positions ( Grands Officiers ) presented the constitution partly aristocratic privilege restored.

Two new Senate committees were established, which should investigate arbitrary arrests and abuse of censorship. In constitutional practice these commissions expressed only advice, but laid no fixed penalties.
