Construction point

The design point (also K- point calculation point, or point table before the introduction of the jury width called Critical Point ) denotes the point of the ski jumping ski jump, where the slope of the landing hill is flat. Its length is measured from the base edge of the takeoff along the slope. The design point is taken as the starting point for the calculation of the width of the jump points in standings.

Typically, the K- point in the landing area of the ski jump with red boards and red side strip is highlighted (from K- point).

After the K- points of the jumps were in small jumps before 2004 (K20 - K45 ), middle hills ( K46 - K74 ), normal hill ( K75- K99 ), divided large hill ( K100 - K130 ) and ski flying hill ( K145 - K195 ). Today serves as a measure of the hill size (see Hill Size ).

For a jump on the K- point wide 60 points will be awarded. Exception to this is the ski flying hills. There, 120 wide points are awarded for a flight to the K- point. For every meter above or below the K-point wide- points are dependent on the jump size is added or subtracted ( see table).

Mathematical definition

Mathematically, it is not the turning point of the landing area. The maximum gradient is achieved at the point P, with the landing zone begins. Thus, the point P is mathematically the turning point of Aufsprungprofils. The design point lies on the circular arc, the landing zone with the points P, K, and L describes.
