Contact juggling

Contact juggling is a form of object manipulation or juggling exists in the predominantly physical contact with the respective object. Contact juggling is performed among others with balls, rings, hoop, clubs, cigar boxes and fire batons.

From Kae Verens ( operators of ) coined the phrase " contact juggling is half dance, half juggling, half mime, half magic ... " ( "Half dance, half juggling, half mime, half magic ...") which often is used to describe the contact juggling.

Contact juggling with balls

In the contact juggling with balls the contact juggler balls either over the whole body or through his palms to taxi. A related technique is often also the insulation. Here, the contact juggler moves as a solid color or transparent ball that it looks as if the ball floats at a point in space.

The present form of contact juggling was mainly dominated by the developed by Michael mosques techniques. In particular, he used the first crystal balls for contact juggling. These are now used by many professional contact jugglers, and they are usually not made of glass, but acrylic.

There are many techniques that can be counted for contact juggling with balls. For example, the butterfly, in which an arm is pivoted so that alternately the back of the hand and the palm facing upward, the ball rolls off the back of his hand fingertips to the palm and back again. Another common technique is the rotary pyramid. This circle three balls on the palm and a fourth is on top, so that the four balls result in a pyramid.

History of contact juggling

Contact juggling became popular especially by the Performance Light by Michael mosques. Shortly after 1991, the video, Michael mosques: was In Motion ' appeared, James Ernest published the book in English Contact Juggling which ultimately called " contact juggling " coined.

The world's first contact juggling convention was held in 2001 in Florida and was funded by the contact juggler The Ferret.
