Context-free language

In theoretical computer science is a context-free language (English context - free language, CFL) is a formal language that can be described by a context-free grammar. A context-free grammar allows a defined reading process ( interpretation) of expressions of a formal language. It may be decided, first, whether an expression is equivalent to the rules of grammar, and on the other in the course of analyzing a parse tree can be created. A program that does this is called parser. Parsers are used in particular for the processing of programming languages. Also in computational linguistics trying to describe natural languages ​​by context-free grammars rules.

Context-free languages ​​are referred to as type 2 languages ​​of the Chomsky hierarchy. The class of all context-free languages ​​includes the regular languages ​​( type-3 languages) and is of the class of context-sensitive languages ​​( type 1 languages) comprises.

We therefore speak of context-free languages ​​, because the rules of the context-free grammars are always applied independently from the context. This distinguishes them from context-sensitive grammars whose rules also depend on the syntactic context.


The class of context-free languages ​​corresponding to the class that is accepted by non-deterministic pushdown automaton languages. The language accepted by deterministic pushdown automaton languages ​​are called deterministic context -free languages ​​and are identical to the class of LR ( k ) languages ​​( cf. LR ( k ) grammar ).


If there is an alphabet of symbols and, the following languages ​​are examples of context-free languages:

The language contains the words: ,, etc, so getting as many as s s If you select place and the symbols and corresponds to that of properly nested parentheses: for example, or.

The language contains words, etc., ie, all the words that are mirror-symmetrically in the center. As they read from front and rear give the same word, there are palindromes.

The language is context-sensitive but not context-free.

Context-free languages ​​in the definition of the syntax of programming application, it can be defined, for example, arithmetic expressions, and generally correct bracket structures. Limits of context-free languages ​​are in context-relevant properties, such as type checking in programming languages ​​, which can be represented only by context-sensitive grammars. In practice, one uses context-free parsers with additional functions and data structures.

In computational linguistics are modeled with context-free grammars natural languages. If there is an alphabet of words of a language, for example, one can construct with just a few simple rules noun phrases: By the rules, and are correct and expressions in the grammar.


The class of context-free languages ​​is closed under

  • Union
  • Reflection
  • Concatenation ( chaining )
  • Kleene star
  • Application of homomorphisms
  • Inverse application of inverse homomorphisms
  • Averaging with regular languages

It is not closed under

  • Average Counter-example: The languages ​​and context-free. But is not context-free.
  • Be complete context-free and context-free languages ​​under complementation: proof by contradiction. Then are also context-free. Because of the seclusion under union and De Morgan follows that and thus is context-free. Contradiction: It has already been shown that the average is not context-free.

The financial statements of association can be proved by constructing a new, again context-free grammar: Be and context-free. New start symbol S and new production. with

Similarly, one can show for two context-free languages, the seclusion under concatenation: Be and context-free. New start symbol S and new production. with

Also, the use of Kleene * corresponds to a new, context-free grammar: Be context-free. New start symbol and new production. with

Every regular language is context-free, since every regular grammar is a context-free grammar. There exist context-sensitive languages ​​that are not context-free. One such example is. Pumping lemma each exist in different variants for regular and context-free languages. For context-free languages ​​they describe necessary but not sufficient properties. Evidence that a formal languages ​​is not context- free, and is usually done on the violation of these necessary properties. Often the studied language is thinned suitable first through the intersection with a regular language. This approach is justified by the above-mentioned financial statements section with regular languages ​​.

A long-standing open problem is the question of whether the set of primitive words is context-free.

Typical decision-making problems

Be, and given context-free languages ​​over the alphabet. Then the following typical problems arise:

  • Word problem: Belongs to a word?
  • Emptiness problem: Is the empty set?
  • Finiteness problem consists of a finite set of words (?)

The above- enumerated problems are decidable ( the word problem by the Cocke - Younger - Kasami ) algorithm for context-free languages. The equivalence problem () is not decidable from and including this stage of the Chomsky hierarchy.

Further properties

  • For each there are languages ​​which can be used as interface of context-free languages ​​are, but not as a cut of context-free languages.

Natural language

In linguistics, context-free grammars are also used to describe the syntax of natural languages ​​. However, it was demonstrated for the example of the Swiss German, the language can not be fully described by such a grammar. But context-free grammars (or equivalent formalisms ) are additional data structures used for languages ​​such as Swiss German Widely used in computational linguistics.
