Context (language use)

Context ( etymology: see context) referred to in linguistics (linguistics ), in particular in communication theory, all elements of a communication situation, determine the understanding of an utterance.

Typology or classification and associated terminology are different. Distinction is the one between the linguistic context (similar to: verbal context), also co-text, and the situational context (similar: non -verbal context).

A slightly different typing distinguishes between general context, personal and social context and linguistic context. The general context of the speech situation taking the place, time and action context of the utterance is called. As a personal and social context is considered the " relationship between speaker and listener, their attitudes, their interests and their knowledge and their mutual knowledge assumptions ". As a linguistic context the context "of the grammatically and semantically linked the terms and at the same time embeds by deixis or pragmatic indicators such as modal particles in the situational K., ..." is evaluated.

The (linguistic ) context can be divided into immediate (micro context) and other (macro context).

