Continental climate

  • Tropical rainforest climate
  • Savannah climate
  • Steppe climate
  • Desert climate
  • Etesienklima
  • Wet Temperate climate
  • Sinisches climate
  • Wet Continental climate
  • Trans Siberian climate
  • Summer Dry Cold Air
  • Tundra
  • Eisklima

As a continental climate ( continental climate ) is defined as the temperature dependence of different climate types, which are characterized by large seasonal temperature fluctuations. Typical are hot summers and cold winters. The continental climate is compared with the general maritime climate (or oceanic / maritime climate). Compared with the latter given to regions with continental climate little precipitation, usually with a distinct maximum in the summer.

The further you get into the interior of a continent, the lower the balancing influence of the oceans, which represent an enormous heat storage due to the high specific heat capacity of water. Simultaneously, both the number of clouds, as well as the moisture content of the atmosphere decreases sharply.

On mountains on the way from the sea to the continent inside the wind speed, also the clouds are forced to rise and can not hold as much water vapor by the following cooling decreases. Asia has by its great extent and strongly structured landscape proportion of multiple climate zones, but most in the continental climate. Between the extreme summers and winters - often only short - transitional seasons. Great are the daily temperature contrasts. The Pole of Cold is located in northeastern Siberia ( both Oymyakon and Verkhoyansk ), but the winter in Central Asia because of the low cloud cover and nocturnal emission cold. Where the great deserts extend far to the north, the largest temperature differences in the day and the year are likely to occur. In contrast, South and Southeast Asia are under the influence of the monsoon, which causes a cycle of wet and dry seasons. Are triggered by the winter cold land masses of northern Asia, where strong areas of high pressure can develop.
