Contrast bath therapy

The roller coaster is a physical form of therapy in which repealed by the alternation of cold and warm baths stress states of the autonomic nervous system and the heart and circulatory system to be trained.

The feet are thereby alternately bathed in cold and hot water. You need to a foot bath with about 12-20 degree cold water and another foot bath with about 36-38 degree water. The feet should be on a rollercoaster first for about 5 minutes in the hot water, then placed for about 15 to 20 seconds in the cold water. This change from hot to cold water, you should perform a total of two to three times. Compared to other spas is based on a rollercoaster quite a high stimulus strength.

Be applied contrast baths for chronically cold feet, in states of exhaustion and fatigue, with hypoperfusion and circulatory disorders without organic cause for headaches, varicose veins and strengthening the immune system. Contrast baths should not be used in inflammation of the bladder, kidneys or lower abdomen, also not in thrombosis ( vascular occlusions in the legs ) and Raynaud's disease (vascular disease).

The rollercoaster was propagated especially by Sebastian Kneipp.
