Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

The Commission for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources, Antarctic (English Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, CCAMLR, French Convention sur la conservation de la faune et la flore marines de l' Antarctique ) walked out of the Convention on the conservation of living marine resources Antarctica forth ( Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ), which was adopted in 1980 as a follow-on contract to the Antarctic Treaty.

Member States

Currently (2013 ) include the CCAMLR to 25 full members. Member is both the EU Commission, as well as the EU Member States. Landlocked countries such as Uruguay, among others have partly economic and scientific interests in the Antarctic or take territories there ( Norway, UK, USA, Chile, etc.) The states are usually represented by the corresponding ministries or scientific institutions:


The CCAMLR members and the EU had at a meeting in 2009 agreed to 2012 Representatives network of MPAs to set up.

2012, the Commission met in the Australian Hobart. At the meeting in 2012 it was the first time endeavors to transform the area of 2.4 million km ² of the Ross Sea in a marine reserve. In contrast, however, resisted massive representatives of the fishing industry. After New Zealand began the intensive fishing of the giant Antarctic cod in the Ross Sea years ago, the commercial exploitation of animals has now greatly increased. Other resources to the interested countries such as Russia, China and Ukraine resisted a Marine Reserve.

2013 has been called, among other things, on the initiative of the then Federal Government of Russia and a special meeting of CCAMLR. Australia, France and the European Union ( represented by the Commission ) proposed a network of MPAs in East Antarctica. A contract should be negotiated at a meeting of the Commission in July 2013, burst due to the resistance of the member Russia.


The former European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs Maria Damanaki gave back the EU's position according to the CCAMLR special session in 2013 in Bremerhaven. She was upset that CCAMLR was not able to reach an agreement. "It's a shame that the great support of the protection status of a few has been blocked. This is a step back and damaged the reputation of an organization that has always been a pioneer in the protection Mariner resources. I hope that the missed opportunity soon "repaired" is.


  • Peter Young ( filmmakers ): The Last Ocean documentary describes the struggle for survival of this region against human intruders