Conversion (law)

Under reverse is understood in principle each complete change of direction. Thus, the reverse has three parts:

  • Insight in the wrong way
  • Reversing up to a known point
  • Moving towards a new direction.

The conversion ( from Latin conversio " turning around ", " reverse " ) is related to the term reversal.

Religious reversal

See main article: Atonement ( religion)

Of special significance is the reversal in the religious and ethical area. Here Come heard the term of religious penance. The term, which describes the acquisition of new, different beliefs, religious traditions and customs or culture, religious conversion, stands in close relation to religious conversion.

Conversion and repentance in Judaism

In the Jewish tradition, the term teshuvah (Hebrew for repentance, conversion ) has several meanings. The teshuvah covers all areas of Jewish life. In Pirke Avot the (Hebrew " Sayings of the Fathers " ) is admonished: "Return one day prior to your death ( 2:10 ). ". The month of Elul, the Jewish calendar is considered as a time of " teshuva ", the " return to God ". This extends from Rosh Hashanah through the following Ten Days of repentance until the Yom Kippur. This is the holiest and most solemn day of the Jewish year, with emphasis on repentance and reconciliation - with themselves, with others and with God.

Reversal in Christianity

In Christianity, the reversal of the realization of one's guilt passes (Job 42.6 EU) to the righteous works of the new life (Acts 26,20 EU), which include the departure from the previous life (Rom 6,1 f EU). Jesus Christ is considered here as a sacrifice of atonement, divine as a ritual human sacrifice and divine self- sacrifice for the Christian believed original sin of all men, of a " reversal of the world " to the " true faith " to the " true God ".

See also: confession of Nicaea, truths of the faith of the Catholic Church, Lux Veritatis
