
Coppengrave is a municipality in the district of Hildesheim in Lower Saxony. It belongs to the Samtgemeinde Duingen, which has its administrative headquarters in Duingen.

  • 2.1 Origin of the name
  • 3.1 associations


Geographical Location

Coppengrave is located southwest of Hildesheim between the mountain ranges in the west Hils, Duinger mountains to the east and Reuberg in the southeast.


Origin of the name

Old names of Coppengrave are Kobbengraff 1400, 1414 Kobbengraf, 1426 Cobbengraff, 1462 Coppengraven 1471 kobbengraff, 1478 and 1499 Cobbengraven Kobbengraue. The place name is a composition. The documents show the city name in the base forms of words such as " - graff - graf, - graven ". With the noble title of "Count " they have nothing to do, because the forms with " A" shall apply especially in High German, but not in the Low German, which must be used for the place name in the first line. It is Middle Low German, Low German "grave ", meaning " ditch ". The location of the village in the valley of the Hille confirmed this connection. In the first part of well- connected - as in Coppenbruegge - an old Germanic term for " mountain, mountain top," proto-Germanic " kuban, koban ", Middle High German " dome " for " top, summit ", Frühneuhochdeutsch " koppeling " for " hilltop, tree tops ". "Head" also means "the upper of a mountain "; ultimately belongs here also " peak", also the " Snow Mountain ". Coppenbruegge would therefore be a " mountain bridge, Bridge on the Mountain" to understand and " Coppengrave " as " hill ditch, Mountain Trench ".

Economy and infrastructure

Coppengrave is connected on the west and east of the community lying highways 3 and 240 to the road network.


  • TSV Coppengrave eV (football, tennis, table tennis, aerobics / gymnastics / gymnastics, Jedermänner, dancing, swimming )