Copy editing

A corrector (Latin corrector, corrector ') is a person who is printing templates with respect to spelling, grammar, typography, style and material (but not substantive ) checked for accuracy and anzeichnet errors for correction. He is a publishing organization for composing, not editors.

The profession of the corrector is now nearly extinct, especially in the newspaper sector. It tries to do its tasks with spelling programs on the computer. Also they are adopted by lecturers (→ Editing ). For non- verlag bound printed matter ( commercial work ), however, does often to be a more capable typesetter, media designer or a clerk in the printing operation this activity.


As an independent position in the printing or publishing operation of the corrector has become rare. Its function in formats was transferred there by the copy editor. Nowadays, many people are of the view to be able to replace the original function of the corrector by computer programs. However, these programs are only able to check a text to a certain degree for errors (spelling, punctuation, simple grammatical constructions ). A stylistic and factual- depth examination can not afford these programs.

Previously, the corrector was the last person who reviewed the manuscript before printing. A good proofreader corrects not only errors, but also checks the text too formal. Mostly read correctors also deductions from the actual printing machine. This last test is called revision. Apply this to the standard professional proofreading marks.


Once the occupation of the corrector was highly regarded and a lucrative source of income for scribes. His position was due to the high costs that resulted from the subsequent correction of set in lead type template. The care of his work could save you a fortune - or free, if he did not let exercise or running down his reading of letters striking oversights.

To his eminent position at the time attributable to the fact that few of reading and writing were indeed powerful. Further, even wrote some authors, the words for a long time as they sounded to them in the ears. The first proof- of old printers were scholars who were well versed in addition to the Greek and Latin languages ​​in the then current science: medicine, theology and philosophy.

With the change of typesetting subsequently expense of correcting errors decreased and with it the importance of the corrector for letterpress printing. Also spread through the standardization of language literacy in the population, what it seemed to be nothing special, " German right" to.

Career field

The few reviewers who still pursue this profession today have the same responsibilities as the correctors for example, in the 1950s. Absolutely necessary are perfect knowledge of German spelling and syntax. In the specialist technology all works are to be explained in the proofreading of the manuscript editing to bow revision. Proofreading by manuscript and proofreading of text from data acquisition in the mother tongue and in a foreign language should be able to be carried out as faultless as the revision of a Akzidenzdrucksache, a newspaper page or the arc of a work.

Correctors in Switzerland

Previously ( typesetter ) settled in the Swiss printing industry technically gifted hand compositors to train machine setters often. Typesetter with graphic flair practiced in the Offizin the function of a graphic artist, and linguistically talented professionals officiated as proofreaders. The Swiss Typographers submitted therefore in 1946 the responsibility for the apprenticeship of the printing industry of Switzerland Central Commission a report drawn up by the corrector club design to teaching and examination regulations for proofreaders. A year later decided to workers 'and employers' association that regulations regarding the training and testing of the correctors is to be developed, and transferred the work of the Central Commission, which later became Joint training site (PBS ).

The first qualifying examination in German Switzerland was because at that time on Saturday had to work yet and to avoid loss of earnings, on Sunday, February 8, 1948, carried out (for the colleagues from the French-speaking area a year later ). However, four of the eleven candidates overestimated their knowledge of German. On the first course in which the tasks of the subjects German, foreign language ( French or English) as well as theory had to be solved even monthly, 25 men initially took part. Eleven candidates refrained gradually mostly due to time constraints on the continuation of the course. A few months after the end of the course then the first corrector examination took place, which stood eight former students. Seven candidates were finally able to take the card in reception, who confirmed them to be tested correctors. As early as the second course were to answer the letters exercise two months time.

The number of eager learners increased. For the aptitude test for the correspondence course starting in the spring of 1961 wanted 73 candidates are admitted. In view of this rush and that with the available capacity is only about 35 training courses could be offered, decided the Central Commission a numerus clausus. According to the terms of approval redefined had before the course begins a four-year teaching assistants three years to be completed. Also in 1961, the all-day audit was first performed on a Saturday, because had to work in the meantime in many parts of the book printing industry only five days. In the following years was the willingness to invest for two years per day about two hours of effort in training, not always to the same extent available. The course of the Romanesque Switzerland could be carried out even once due to lack of participants did not. The early seventies, the regulations were changed so that under certain conditions, correctors could be admitted without a typesetter teaching the course. Attention was that also wanted to educate women in this profession.

At the two-day professional exam which is conducted under the supervision of the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology, which is now approved in principle, who has the ability to witness to a professional prepress or other profession in the printing industry or has completed the proofreader correspondence course of PBS or an equivalent course. Be admitted to the examination, individuals who are at least 22 years old and can demonstrate a year's practical at full working as a proofreader and an at least equivalent linguistic and technical training, as offered by the corrector correspondence course, or if at least three years' experience as a proofreader demonstrate full working hours. Passing the professional exam corrector / proofreader entitled corrector / proofreader to designate the Federal Diploma.

The corrector as abbot

In the Congregation of the Paulaner the abbot was designated as a proofreader.
