
Coreference (also: reference identity) is a term from linguistics or generally from semiotics. Coreference occurs when in an utterance with two different linguistic expressions the same is called. The producer of this statement referenced with the two expressions in the same extra-linguistic entity. The two terms refer in this context to the same, that is they have the same referent. In a text Koreferenzbeziehungen are a means of text cohesion.

There are mainly mentioned in the coreference as possible speakers only extra-linguistic objects. Given the possibility to talk about language, but also language speakers are possible.

Coreference can set internally and take place over multiple blocks. Coreference can be done by self- referencing expressions (example: " Angela Merkel ( 1) on March 1, 2008 Acting Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (2) ... ") or by relative referencing expressions ( anaphora ), the immediate reference point another language ( of referring directly ) is an expression, through which they indirectly relate to a speaker.

Coreference is done so through a particular relationship between sentence components, of which one relates to the other, or are mutually related to each other.

To illustrate to indexes can be used. One also speaks of coindexation:

If necessary, coreference can occur at "empty" categories.

  • Bernd goes into the house. Rolf comes afterwards.
  • Berndi goes into the Hausk. Rolf comes behind ( ihmi ) ago ( in the Hausk ).