
Smooth snake ( Coronella austriaca )

Smooth or smooth snake ( Coronella ) include three types, two of which occur in Europe. Even if they hiss at risk, proceed to simulated attacks and can bite when grasping, is harmless snakes. Smooth or smooth snakes inhabit dry, rocky and well sunlit habitats, feed preferentially on lizards and are rarely longer than 80 centimeters.


Characteristics of this genus are small, little remote from neck head, round pupils and the eponymous smooth, shiny body scales. An important distinguishing feature of the otters are the large, smooth head scales.


Activity, these animals both during the day and at night. Often they are specialized in their diet on lizards that are killed by snaring and strangling. In case of danger, they flatten their head, which makes this appear larger and give sibilant sounds. It is also not uncommon that mock attacks are carried out.


There are described three types. Their distribution and subspecies are given in the following table.

(* debatable )
