Corpus luteum

Called the corpus luteum, and corpus luteum (Latin corpus "body" and luteus "yellow" ), is produced in mammals during ovulation ( ovulation ) of an egg. Under the influence of luteinizing hormone ( LH), the mature egg leaves the follicle so-called; the radical - consisting of lying in the wall of the ruptured follicle granulosa cells - referred to as the corpus luteum. It produces in the second half ( from about the 14th day ) of the menstrual cycle, small amounts of the hormones estrogen and, increasingly, progesterone, which is also called the corpus luteum hormone, and provides for the maintenance of pregnancy. In the first 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, progesterone is used almost exclusively by the corpus luteum, then this task is performed mostly the placenta.

Under the action of progesterone, the endometrium prepares for a possible pregnancy and implantation of a fertilized ovum. If there is no pregnancy, the corpus luteum ( luteolysis → ) begins about 9 days after ovulation to shrink, is transformed into scar tissue and thereby produces less and less progesterone, which ultimately results in man for the menstrual period. After his conversion he connective tissue is called the corpus albicans (Latin albicare " be white ", " shimmer ", plural corpora albicantia ) refers. The variety of transformed corpus luteum are the senile ovary his typical pitted surface structure.

If, however, the implantation of a fertilized egg, remains the corpus luteum - the people under the influence of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG ) - get and transforms into the corpus luteum graviditatis, which occupies the end of the first trimester of pregnancy up to half of the entire ovary and ensures adequate production of progesterone until the placenta ( placenta ) is able to take over their Trophoblastanteil hormone production itself.

A corpus luteum weakness is a common reason that a woman is not pregnant or heaped very early miscarriages ( early abortions ) suffers. The experimental removal of the corpus luteum usually caused an early abortion.

  • Endocrine organ
  • Reproductive Medicine
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Reproductive medicine in animals