Corsican painted frog

Corsican Disc- ( Discoglossus montalentii )

The Corsican Disc- ( Discoglossus montalentii ) is an endemic to Corsica amphibian species from the family of Disc-. The specific epithet honors the Italian biologist and geneticist Giuseppe Montalenti ( 1904-1990 ).


The largest known snout-vent length for males 62.5 mm, 54.2 mm in females. The species is well built and has a broad head. This measures about one- third of the head-body length. The muzzle is blunt, upper and lower jaw tip are almost on the same level. The fourth finger is in the region of the tip wider than at the base. So far, two different color variants are known. One is plain dark brown, dark gray, reddish or reddish brown, the other mottled dark brown. The edge of the patch is not bright Längsbänderung A does not occur. Often on the back of a bright spot available. The belly is yellowish white.


As habitat of the Corsican Disc- populated mainly rivers in forested areas. Previously habitats at altitudes of 300 ( Sartène ) to 1900 m (northwest Monte Cinto ) were found. On the island, the species is widespread in the central collin - montane part of the headwaters of the mud on Ponte -Leccia to after Cervione as " northern border " and in the south to the mountains between Sotta and Levie. Since the Corsican Disc- may partly syntopic with the Sardinian Disc- and there is certainly a danger of confusion of the two species, finds to be clearly viewed critically outside this " core area ". Thus, there are at least two of these finds on the west coast of Cap Corse, further west of Calvi and also from the coastal strip between Bonifacio and approximately 30 km north-west location Tizzano and finally to the small island of Lavezzi, who do not seem to fit the habitat pattern. The eastern coastal plain is fund free, only north of the airport and at Solenzara Fautea there are findings suggestive of misidentifications, since they differ from the pattern of settlement.


The species is classified in the IUCN Red List due to the small distribution area as a sort of early warning ( " Near Threatened ").

