Cosmetic palette

As a ceremonial palettes, or as a make-up palettes are called in Egyptology and archeology special art objects of varying size and shape with a flat body made ​​of slate, porphyry or greywacke, whose front and back could be decorated with coarse and simple or highly complex reliefs. The largest number of such pallets comes from the late Naqada III.- era (c. 3400-3100 BC ) and the beginning of the 1st Dynasty. Abundant localities are Naqada, and Abydos Qustul.


Ceremonial palettes were considered prestigious grave goods of the elite, with the beginning of the 1st dynasty left its popularity after, however, already under King Hor Aha, the number of finds from strong; the fragment of a ceremonial palette from the grave of King Hor Den is the latest known example.

The purpose of pomp pallets should be sought in the cultic area. Probably make-up was made for ceremonial occasions on them by certain pigments were extracted from minerals and ores, crushed and mixed with animal fats. For this reason, the term " make-up range " is also common.

Well-known examples

Many ceremonial palettes due to their reliefs gained wide notoriety:

  • Narmer Palette
  • Hunters Palette
  • Battlefield Palette
  • Two - Dog Palette
  • Four Dogs Palette
  • Tehenu palette