Covered wagon

As a wagon is called a usually drawn by horses or oxen, usually with a curved roof plan.

Vans are used today in Ireland, Hungary or the Czech Republic as a camper for holidaymakers in Germany especially for group trips with larger groups of people. In addition, tractors or rebuilt truck be used instead of horses.

The interior of camping vans will often correspond to the simple motor homes while covered wagon for group tours usually have two arranged on the sides of the wagon long benches with a long table in the middle in the style. Smaller vans are often converted by removing the tarpaulin and the linkage to a normal Wagonette.

Historically played wagon an essential role in the exploration and colonization of the American West - who could afford it, baggage and family often transported over long distances through rough territory with the help of a covered wagon. It came on a wagon usually about five people.
