Cranberry morpheme

A unikales morpheme is part of a complex word ( morpheme ), the ( in today's language ) only in a single compound occurs with another word component and in the decomposition ( segmentation) of the corresponding word as "rest" remains. It always is a bound morpheme.


Known examples of Unique morphemes in English are: " last " in " hurt ", " chimney " in " chimney ", " bromine " in " blackberry ".

It analyzes words like " blackberry " because it is clear that it " beer " infected with a very specific meaning, a word stem, the word " berry ", together with the Ableitungsmorphem "-e " and so, too independently found. " Bromine " must therefore be a morpheme, which modifies the meaning of the word " berry " to the special of " blackberry ". " Bromine " but only occurs together with " beer " is so unikal. Exactly analogously occurs " chimney " only with " stone ", and is therefore also unikal. Today Unique morphemes used to have quite a wider use. So the verb " last " is still listed in the Brothers Grimm's dictionary is " harm " with the meaning, but is no longer used today.
