
Cribbage (pronounced Kribbitsch ) is a card game for two players (there are also versions for three and four players ). The game is played with a 52 - card poker hand. You will also need a cribbage board on which each player counts his points by means of two pins.

  • 5.1 points make when evaluating


Cribbage originated in England in the 17th century and is still one of the most popular card games in the English-speaking world. The game researcher David Parlett describes it as the only card game that is purely English origin. Outside the English-speaking world Cribbage has to date, however, found no spread. Like all card games cribbage was initially - in a time when paper was precious - a game of the nobility, which goes back to an older game called " Noddy ". From the 18th century, however, Cribbage was the epitome of British "pub game".

Character and object of the game

Cribbage is not among the "Stitch games," but to the so-called " added together " card games: Players place one after the other their cards and count together the value of each in play cards with a certain total value not to be exceeded - at Cribbage is the 31 While the adding laying out the players try to score points, which one ( "Pair ", " consequences ", certain totals, etc.) gets for certain combinations. The goal is to reach in several rounds as the first 121 points. A special feature is that you can only make when designing points do not, but also by the best possible hand in hand, which is evaluated separately after the actual game round.

The Game

The ranking of cards: Ace (low), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King ( high).

The values ​​of the cards: Ace = 1; Eye cards 2 to 10 are what they show; Face cards ( Jack, Queen, King ) = 10

The cribbage board is used to count the points during the game round and during the evaluation. Each player uses this two pins that are inserted alternately: The pen in front indicates the current score, the pin back - to control - the previous score. If a player scores points, the rear pin is set according to many holes in front of the other and now displays the new score.

In the typical English cribbage board, each player has 60 holes. So the board must be passed twice. In America and Canada in particular 120 -hole boards are common. For inexperienced players, they are beneficial because you can easily provided on a 60 -hole board in the direction.

The round

Give six cards

By lifting is decided who is first. Both players pick up a card who's pulling the lower, the first donor is. The dealer shuffles, lets the players - " forehand " - stand out (that is, the sheet is shifted in the half) and then alternately covered and six cards. The rest of the sheet is set aside covered. After each round, all the cards are put together again. Then forehand is new donors, and as always, alternating until the end of the game (121 points). If you play several games, each of the first encoder changes. ( If you play a total of three matches is determined in the third game of donors by picking up again. )

Two cards in the crib

Each player now selects from his six cards 2, which are dropped face down. These four maps together form the Crib (English: " crib", hence the name of the game) and belong to the respective donors of the turn. The crib is not evaluated until after the game round. Since the crib brings only points for the donor, the forehand throw bad cards as possible. However, the encoder can also deposit good cards here.

The starting map

The donors are now asking forehand to lift again. ( Forehand coated the sheet in half to. ) The encoder then takes the top card and places it face up on the stack. This upside-down card is called the starting card. It is not used in the game turn, remains on the stack and is only important at the end of, during the evaluation of the cards.


Players place their cards from now alternately. Specifically: Each player puts his cards in a row to himself. If Player A puts his cards from left to right, puts his cards on player B 's best parallel from right to left. Especially for inexperienced players, it may be helpful to entangle the two rows of cards in the zippered one another to have the sequence of the cards better before the eye. ( Experienced players do not, but between them there is the separating cribbage board. )

Forehand comes out, so puts the first card. When playing the value of all the cards in play is always called for. Because it applies: The total value of the cards played must not exceed 31.

If player A plays his first card, for instance a 4, he says: ". Four " If player B is now a 3 plays out, he says, " Seven. " Player A puts perhaps a boy and says, " Seventeen ", Player B a 2: " Nineteen " - and so on.

If a player can not play a card without exceeding the total value of 31, he says: " yoke. " ( " Go. " ) The other player may play on alone. If he also has to fit (or exactly 31 reached), the first phase of the turn is completed. It starts a second phase of the turn, and is counted from zero again. It comes out who " pass" the first said. The player puts out, starts to count again, and again Do not exceed 31. This continues until all the cards are played.

Score points during the game round

For the following cards and combinations of cards you get points. The points are immediately marked out on the board.

  • Jack as a starting card: Will revealed as a starting card a jack, the dealer must immediately disconnect 2 points. They say: " Two for his heels" - " two for his heels. "
  • 15: If one increases when being played with his card the total value of the cards played to 15, you get 2 points. One says: " Fifteen two" - " fifteen, two. " So fifteen eyes makes two points.
  • 31: If you increase the overall value of their card at 31, you get 2 points. One says: " Thirty-one makes two. " ( " 31 for 2". )
  • Pair ( " pair" ): If you play a card of the same rank as the immediately preceding ( King on King, Ace to Ace), you get 2 points. ( King and 10 or King and Jack do not form a pair! )
  • Drilling ( " Royal Pair ", " Three of a Kind " ): If you play immediately after a pair a third card of the same rank, you get 6 points.
  • Vierling ("Double Pair Royal ", " Four of a Kind " ): If you play a fourth card of the same rank, you get 12 points.
  • Sequence ( "Run" ): A sequence consists of at least 3 cards that follow in rank to each other ( regardless of color ), for example, 9-10, Jack, 2-3-4 or Bube Dame König. Note that the Ace is ranked at the very bottom; Lady - King -Ass is therefore not a three successes.

A player who completes a sequence thus obtained many points as the result card has.

Important: It does not matter in what order the cards are laid! It may only be a map interrupt the sequence. The cards are played, for example, as follows: 4-2-3-5-6. The player of the 3 scores 3 points for a three successes, the player of the 5 scores 4 points for a four successes, and the player with the 6 scores 5 points. Another example: 4-2-3-4-3. The player of the first 3 scores 3 points for the sequence 4-2-3. The players of the second 4 receives 3 points for the following 2-3-4. The players of the second 3 receives no point, since the 3 no follow completed. Another example: 4-2-6-5-3. The last 3 scored 5 points, because a five successes is completed. Previously, no point is scored.

  • Last Card ( "Last Card " ): Can no player more play without exceeding the total value of 31, or if all the cards are played out, the person who has most recently played, 1 point for " last card ". It also says, has " a fit for " In ( " one for go" ) when before the opponent " passe ". " One for last card " or " Fit for a " mostly boils down to the same thing.

Note: You can only either 1 point for " last card " or 2 for get " 31". When you reach the exact value of 31, you put only two points from - you do not get extra point for " last card ". Also note that combinations of the first phase in the second phase are no longer valid.

The evaluation

After the game round, players take their cards they have played, again, she lay uncovered before him, and identify the points they have on hand.

It is important that forehand always evaluates first.

When evaluating the starting card is now included (but remains on the stack are ). The evaluated hand thus consists of a total of 5 cards.

The special feature of evaluating is that each card can be combined multiple times.

After forehand evaluated their hand ( how this is exactly explained shortly ) and the points staked, is the giver of the series. His paper on hand is considered (along with the start card ), and the points to be staked. After that, the dealer reveals the four cards in the crib and also evaluates it (again, along with the start card ).

Points make when evaluating

For the following combinations to get points:

Note the peculiarity of multiple combination: a sheet of 6-7-7-8 contains two three successes (the first 7 forms with 6 and 8, a first three successes, the second 7 with the same 6 and 8, a second ); also contains this sheet two 15EN (first 7 with 8, second 7 with 8); also 1 pair makes together 12 points (and for convenience, the start card has not even been taken into account ).

A four successes such as 9 -10 - Jack lady gives 4 points - what seems to be a little illogical, because you might think that a four successes from two three successes there. Nevertheless, the "three hits" within the four successes do not count.

A five successes are 5 points.

  • Long color ( "flush " ): Are all the cards you have on hand, of the same suit (hearts or diamonds or spades or clubs ), you get 4 points. If the start card also in this color: 5 points. No points are awarded for 3 cards plus start map of the same color. In the crib the Long color only applies if all five cards of the same suit. Should also be noted that the color is not taken into account during the round, but only during the evaluation.
  • One for the Jack ( "One for Jack" ): If you have in your hand or in the crib a Jack of the same suit as the start card, you get a point. It is also said: "One for his nob " - " one for the head ." ( In America and Canada: "One for his nob " or " nibs ". )

In order not to lose the overview, it is recommended that the combinations to count when evaluating always in the same order, ie: only the five tens, then the pairs, then the consequences, then the length color and finally the Jack.

The end game

The winner is the first with his pen, the 120 exceeds ( " peg out") ( it need not be reached exactly 121 points). This can be used both during the round as well happen in evaluating and even if the dealer only "two for the hoes " stakes out (if - see above - the start card is turned over and turns out to be Jack). It is therefore important that when evaluating the correct sequence is followed: In a head-to -head race sometimes forehand is at an advantage because they can evaluate the first and possibly crossed the finish line before the timer comes to evaluating.

The winner will receive one point for the games won. If a player wins a game with 31 or more points ahead - comes his opponent so not off the hook (in England, " amphibian ", the player is "left in the lurch ", in America and Canada to win with a " skunk" ) - he gets two points. If a player wins a game with 61 or more points ahead, the game has three times or four times by appointment.

" Töffel "

Töffel is a voluntary, but very charming additional rule: " Töffel " If a player forgets to score points when evaluating his paper or cards in the crib, can his opponent ( after the other has promulgated and put the wrong score ) ( " muggins " ) call and book the overlooked points for themselves. Arrangements can be the rule in the game round use.

Two exemplary rounds

Example 1: Player A has 2-2- king - king on his hand; Player B: 6-7-8-9. First phase: A plays king says: "Ten "; B plays 6 - " 16"; A plays king - " 26"; B says: " yoke "; A plays 2 - " 28"; A continues, plays 2 says " makes 30 3", namely 2 points for the pair ( 2-2) and one for " last card " at this stage (or for the fitting of the opponent ). Second phase: B plays 8 - " 8"; A has no more cards, so it can do nothing; B plays 7 - "Fifteen - two " ( inserted two points off ); B plays 9 - " 24 makes 3 and 1 for last card ". B puts 4 points from 3 for the three successes 7-8-9 and 1 because he has played the last card.

Example 2: Player A has 5-7-8-10 at hand; Player B: 4-5-6-7. First phase: A plays 8; B plays 7 ( gets two points for the 15); A plays 7 (gets two points for the pair); B plays 6 The total value is now 28, and neither of them can play more, so B scores a point for " last card ". Second phase: A starts and plays a 5, which does not give three successes, because the 6 and 7 were played out in the previous phase ...

Two exemplary evaluations

Example 1: For a sheet of 5-5 -Jack - King plus an 8 as the starting card you get 10 points: 8 points for four 15EN - because both the king and the jack can be combined with two 5's. ( Place the cards at best in a row in front of him and move the appropriate maps each slightly upwards so as not to lose the overview. ) So: the first 5 with the boys results in 15, makes two points - the same 5 with the King gives 15, makes 4 - 5 second with the boys results in 15, makes 6 - and the same 5 with the king gives 15, makes 8 - and there are two points for the 5- pair. According to count the whole thing like this: "Fifteen - two, fifteen - four, fifteen - six, fifteen - eight and a pair makes ten. " The starting tile has brought no point in this case. Unlike in the next case:

Example 2: The sheet 7-8 plus a king -8 9 card is judged as the start as follows: "Fifteen - two ( 7 and 8), fifteen - four (7 and second 8) and a pair (8-8 ) makes six, and a three successes (7 - the first 8-9 ) makes nine, and even a three successes ( 7 - the second 8 - 9.) makes twelve " Each of the two 8s is thus part of a 15, a pair and a episode!


Cribbage Strategies fill whole books, and the American Cribbage Forum publishes on its website every month new tips and tricks. Here are some basic instructions.

  • Shedding: In general, reserves the hand with the highest score on the hand. Is the crib to the opponent, but it will be possible to do no good cards in the crib - not a " pair " or two cards with a value of Fifteen; no " neighbor Cards" ( 3-4 or 9-10), as these could form a sequence along with the start card. Suppose you have the sheet 5-6-7-8-8-9, then you would put 5-6 in their own crib, in the crib of the opponent but 5-9. If in doubt: throw far apart cards.
  • Coming Out: Almost a third of the cards are " tens" (ie, have a value of ten). Thus we will not interpret a five if possible as the first card - the risk that the opponent "Fifteen - two " makes is great. To increase the total value of the cards in twenty-one, is also not recommended - there is a risk that the opponent " Thirty - two " makes. The best because it come out with a four is. Experienced players play card stock when possible from combinations of cards, which they have on hand. The 4 of an ace -4 combination, for example, in the hope that the opponent is a ten sets, and then put the ace and so to make "Fifteen - two ."
  • Couple making: A pair possible, not make the start of the phase, but only shortly before 31 when the opponent can not make any more drilling.
  • Counter: If you have a 4-7 - or 3-9 combination on hand, you can come out well as the lowest card. Because puts the opponent a couple now, you can "Fifteen - two " counter with. Similarly, one can well come out with a map of a triplet, in the hope that the opponent does a pair.
  • " Magical 11 ": If forehand with a " tens" card out, the probability is not small that it has only " tens" values ​​on the hand. If the dealer has a card combination on hand, the results in 11, it shall preferably from this and thus comes to " Thirty - two ."
  • On average: An average "hand" has 8 points, an average " crib " 4, the average score in a " round " is 3 words: the average score for two rounds ( each player has one with and played without a crib ) is 26 If the first encoder achieves these averages, it is in the 9th round in hole 119, and must evaluate the first in the 10th; the opponent is when he scored all average values ​​in hole 115 and evaluates it as second, is so apt to lose it. Judging from this ideal constellation, this means that the first donor has a slight advantage over the first forehand. That is to say further: The first dealer can play defense ( should avoid the danger of " Counter "); the first forehand must play offensively (to the danger of " Counter " received ).
  • Start map: Experienced players who - with their average values ​​in the head - try to be, at the right time at the right place at the fourth "street" (see below), consider the starting card in their game. Once it is turned upside down, they know how many points they have on hand. Do the points to get where you wants to go, you can play defensive, otherwise you have to play offensively. Also when coming out with the first card can be the starting map of meaning: "See one play one," they say in America, that is to say: If the start card is a 6, you get also out with a 6 because the probability is now less that the opponent can not make a pair.


  • Two for the hoes: Until the 19th century the picture cards, people still showed full-length ( and, moreover, were not designated with letters ). The kings and queens wore long robes that completely enveloped the legs. The boys (the " knaves " ), however, were shown with clearly visible legs and feet in pantyhose. The saying " two for his heels" is because with high probability. Because you turned as the start card is a picture card in order, then one recognized the boy immediately to his " hacking". The saying " one for his nob " seems to be the other way around to refer to what you saw at the other end of the card: " nob " was a slang expression of the 17th century for " head ".