Critical regionalism

The critical regionalism is considered a sense of modern architecture, the functional regional characteristics in the design. Unlike the historicist or postmodern tradition is not superficial cited, but moved to the center of the design. General aims of critical regionalism to a relocalization of modernity and is a late counter-movement to the International style.


The term was first used by Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre taken for the work of the architect pair Dimitris and Susana Antonakakis and her office Atelier described 66 where the design of the apartment house Emannouil - Benaki street 118 of 1975 in Athens, the smallness of the population of the Greek islands recordings. In the building, each apartment has a different layout, some with different ceiling heights. The staircase is distributed throughout the house. Kenneth Frampton reached with respect to Tzonis the example and the term in his classic work, The Modernist architecture, as well as the book Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six points for on architecture of resistance to and the term commonly found their way into the history of architecture.

Ex post, the term was also associated with former buildings that stand out due to their strong regional ties, such as the work of Alvar Aalto, in which the Finnish countryside and the local building traditions are taken into account. A risk of critical regionalism is, pass for a formal argument gimmicks: " Critical regionalism could easily be colonized by postmodernism, as the fate of some architects illustrate " the magazine wrote in 1990 Archithese.


The critical regionalism is associated with, among others, the work of the following architects:
