Croats in Uruguay

For the Croatian minority in Uruguay include people who are kroatischsprachig or Croatian stocky and lived for generations in Uruguay.


The Croatian -born today in Uruguay diaspora settling mostly in their new home at the time of Austria-Hungary, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the subsequent Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. However, the first Croatian comers in Uruguay were predominantly Croatian sailors from Dalmatia who signed on ships of Spain and the Republic of Venice and remained on arrival in South America. On September 9, 1928, the Croatian diaspora founded in Montevideo meeting their " Hogar Croata " / "Croatian Home " which still exists today.

Croatian Customs

Croatian Customs is mainly maintained by the Croatian national costume worn at ceremonies and a tambura orchestra. The Croatian minority in Uruguay is mostly Roman Catholic and is cared for worship in Croatian language pastoral by Croatian priests from Buenos Aires.

Current situation

The Croatian minority in Uruguay today has about 4,000 to 5,000 people. Mostly it is located in Montevideo. Daily Sun is to receive a local radio show in Spanish and Croatian language in Montevideo the opportunity.


In Montevideo there is a Uruguayan - Croatian Chamber of Commerce.

Famous people

  • Teodoro Vilardebó Matuliche