Cross for the Four Day Marches

The cross for proven march strength, short four- day cruise (Dutch: Vierdaagsekruis ) called, is a Dutch Citation Medal, which is awarded for participation in the four-day Nijmegenmarsch.

The medal is awarded since 1909 by the Nederlandsche Bond voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding, which means since 1958 Koninklijke Nederlansche Bond voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding to all participants of the four- day march, which have successfully completed the march. According to the Royal Decree of Queen Wilhelmina of 26 October 1909 she was allowed to be carried by infantrymen on the uniform, and later of all soldiers of the army and then by soldiers of the navy and air forces. On the march, however, also take part in foreign soldiers and civilians. At German uniforms four days cross may be worn as a foreign award in the original or as a belt buckle.

The four- day cruise consists of a five-armed cross on a ribbon. On the arms of the cross is the abbreviation of the Association ( until 1958 " NBVLO " since 1959 " KNBLO "). The medal will be awarded depending on the number of participants at the four-day march in different versions:
