Crotalus horridus

Forest Rattlesnake ( Crotalus horridus )

The forest Rattlesnake ( Crotalus horridus ) is a species of rattlesnakes (Crotalus ), their distribution extends over a large part of the eastern and southeastern United States of America.


The forest Rattlesnake is a large and powerfully built rattlesnake with an average body length of about 1 meter, but can be up to 1.80 meters long in some cases. In its body coloration varies the nature relatively strong, the basic color is gray to yellowish pronounced and darker back. The color pattern consists of black and regular diamonds ( diamonds) or transverse bands. The two subspecies also differ in color pattern; while C. horridus h is speckled with small black dots, has C. h atricaudatus a orange to cinnamon-colored stripes on the back, which takes places through the cross bands.

Distribution and habitat

The distribution of forest rattlesnake extends over a large part of the eastern and southeastern United States of America from the Great Lakes in the north to northern Florida ( on the peninsula itself lacks the sort ) and South Texas. In Canada, it also occurs in a small portion of Ontario.

The forest of the South Rattlesnake, C. h atricaudatus, is a Tieflandart that occurs in forest areas and also in swamps and in the large rivers. In the north, however, comes before C. horridus is, who lives in rather stony hills; partly because it was displaced by agricultural land from the plains, but also because she needs caves and crevices to overwinter.

Snake venom

The venom of this snake corresponds essentially to that of diamond rattlesnake and is estimated to be less effective than something. It mainly leads to local tissue destruction and pain, which follows a general nausea. If left untreated, can be fatal bite, and corresponding reports are very rare.


Currently two subspecies of forest Rattlesnake be distinguished:

  • C. h atricaudatus the southern part of the range occupies a wide coastal belt from Virginia to Texas
  • C. horridus h in the northeast to the northern part of the range to Canada.