
Cubbies (or Cuppies ) is a game from England, which is now played in parts of the UK and Sweden.

The game needs a football ( usually after FIFA standard) and a goal. A player must declare and try to keep the balls up to the goalkeeper. The game is played against each, in a much-used variant, the fielder pairs form ( Wembely Pairs ).

The game is played in rounds, each pair must achieve a certain number of Tortreffern in each round to advance to the next round. In each round that couple separates, the last as the necessary number of goals could not be achieved, while the other couples had done this. Images will be discharged rounds until only one pair remains, while all others are discarded.

The game is popular as a training variant in recreational sport of English football. Compared with the original soccer is physically demanding, and promotes skills for dribbling and ball retention.

In England, it is also popular among school children as it requires limited or no mandatory number of players. Cubbies tournaments were never discharged, plans in Liverpool were stopped because no precise rules for the otherwise quite anarchic game could be set up.

  • Torspiel
  • Football variant
  • Sport ( United Kingdom)