Cubic foot

Cubic foot is a unit of volume, the foot, the length is based.

English cubic feet

The English cubic feet (English cubic foot, abbreviation cft ) is still frequently used, particularly in shipbuilding unit of volume, as a measure of the English foot ( 0.3048 m) is based. Even in the former Soviet Union, it is often still used.

1 cubic feet equivalent:

  • 28.317 liters

1 acre- foot = 43560 cubic foot

If at diving equipment, the volume is measured in CFT to this refers to the total amount of filled air (operating pressure bottles times volume). 80 cft at 200 bar operating pressure thus corresponds to approximately 11.3 l actual bottle volume.

Other cubic feet Dimensions

In addition to the English cubic feet there were in the German states and other states more cubic feet dimensions that are based in each case on a different foot - measure, namely:

  • Baden cubic feet
  • Bavarian cubic feet
  • Braunschweigischer cubic feet
  • Hamburgischer cubic feet
  • Hanoverian cubic feet
  • Kurhessischer cubic feet
  • Prussian cubic feet
  • Saxon cubic feet
  • Swiss cubic feet 1 cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches each 1728 cubic lines = 0.027374317 cubic meters

And others.
