
51.651388888889 - 1.27Koordinaten: 51 ° 39 ' N, 1 ° 16' W

Culham is a village and "civil parish" ( municipality) in the British county of Oxfordshire on the north bank of the Thames. Culham has 415 inhabitants ( 2001).

Made famous is the place mainly through the Research Center for Nuclear Fusion located there, which is operated by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ( UKAEA ). The first laboratories were built in 1960 on a former airfield of RAF.

Over the years, the facilities have been continuously expanded and 1978 Culham was the site of the prestigious European project JET (Joint European Torus). Apart from the European Community JET operates UKAEA Culham also the British fusion plant MAST. Currently employed in the Research more than 1,600 people.

The (now unused and threatened by decay ) Station Building Culham is one of the few remaining station building of the British engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
