Cultural tourism

In Cultural tourism is meant to visit Travel with the aim of architecture or cultural events. The individual basis for educational, study or cultural trips is getting to know the culture of other countries and expand your own education or otherwise to deepen.

Origin and meaning of the word

The term cultural tourism was in contrast to the hitherto popular term study trips ( Institute for Tourism Starnberg eV) 1986 by Klemens Unger, Managing the Tourist Association of Eastern Bavaria, coined in the context of the Asam -year 1986. Therefore, this term is also documented in writing in the annual report of the Tourist Association of Eastern Bavaria in 1986.

When the German Department of Tourism Unger spoke then in 1988 on the topic ". Offer design in cultural tourism "


An essential part of cultural tourism is the visit of objects that are designated on the basis of tourism development and enhancement of a region through cultural instances of attractions. However, it was not only defines the individual reason for education, study or cultural tours among cultural tourism from the beginning, but the advanced approach, travelers in a region or a place to deliver rich and engaging way far beyond the classical educational trips out with the culture in emotional to make contact.

Given the historical relatively new combination of culture and tourism as well as of demarcation problems of both parts of words is a definition of the term, cultural tourism 'is not easy.

" [Culture tourism is ] travel under taken with the intention, wholly or partly, of Increasing one's appreciation of europe 's cultural resources. A cultural resource is any place, structure or artifact event, the experience nominal real appreciation of the visitors Increases a origins, manners, tastes and customs of the host region. "

" Cultural tourism is a strategy and philosophy in tourism that attempts to guests almost bring cultural characteristics, manifestations and events in a region or locality and allow them to enter into emotional contact through appropriate means of communication and paths with her."

" [ Cultural tourism uses ] buildings, relics and traditions in the countryside, in places and buildings to the visitors almost bring the cultural, social and economic development in the area concerned by package deals, tours, sightseeing opportunities and specialized information. Also, cultural events often serve the cultural tourism. "


Numerous tour operators specializing in cultural tourism. This offer form for tourism is gradually increasingly expanded within the European countries and to destinations outside of Europe. Most smaller, specialist travel companies offer professionally planned and guided by trained guides trips for those interested. In small groups or foreign countries so far little explored regions are explored. So there is for almost any topic study trips. The price is usually higher than on package travel, as the traveler will be more support and advice. Increasingly important are walking tours. A major goal of this is a more environmentally sustainable tourism.

In preparing a cultural tourist offer of strategic planning is of particular importance. To promote a focus on the supply side or the authentic, cultural, endogenous resources of a destination a gentle and sustainable cultural tourism, which can be expected especially in the long term, increasing the rate of return, while a focus on the demand side and the staged culture offer a larger to a Visitors layer and thus aimed at high short-term profitability. Local community colleges offer training and study tours in cooperation with travel agencies. Their quality is to be secured by the quality guidelines of the Federation of German adult education centers.

The importance of cultural tourism in Europe can be seen from the 23.5% share of all tourist arrivals. 31 million tourist arrivals are ' classified, and the remaining 3.5 million are considered, specific cultural tourists ' as, general cultural tourists.


Cultural tourism is linked to the historically rooted institution of the Grand Tour as an educational trip. Originally it was primarily the "right to form " the goal of traveling. An example can be mentioned here Goethe's Italian journey. Travelling to relax and unwind arose only in the 19th century, when the travel conditions were easier. Precursor of this are the Kurreisen. With the advent of mass tourism in the mid-20th century, the recovery was also in remote areas in the foreground. The development of aviation was the trigger.

Although there were always travelers whose motives were other cultures and ways of life or the nature of the host country. But the competition in the tourism industry due to the turn of the millennium new special forms such as voice, concert tours, the tourism literature or even the cemetery tourism. The classic form of cultural tourism is "authenticity" characterized by the term. As a counterpoint or extension to this authentic cultural tourism, the "experience " or " event tourism " also developed further. The demarcation particularly in the case of concert tours is safe fluently.

Educational trips of citizens in the 18th century

Due to the reorientation of social values ​​through the ideas of the Enlightenment and the citizens began to travel. But for them it was not a pure pleasure dar. education, knowledge, strengthening of patriotism and the common good were available for this group in the foreground. This type of travel is to see the successor to the medieval " peregrinatio Academica ", ie the educational journey from university to university. Accounts of their voyages they wrote themselves The main objective of the north of the Alps was Italy, then considered to be particularly hospitable cities of Vienna and Salzburg came.


Cultural tourism in Europe has a great development opportunity because of European history with historical traditions in a confined space. Destination is the first high culture, with the increase in traveler's return is detected on the everyday culture and regionally important goals. The Irish Tourist Board made ​​in 1988 found that more than 70 percent of the attractions of cultural tourism were developed only in the last 20 years in Europe.

The income from tourism are an incentive for the tourist development of localities, regions and countries, with emphasis on their cultural identity and performance. Cultural tourism -related regions as carriers of their culture; of these must take the initiative. While in Germany, tourism has total reaches a saturation limit, cultural tourism is confirmed in a DTV - 2006 study growth potential.

In the further development of cultural tourism, the different forms of networks play an important role. It can be roughly divided between:

  • Culture Networks: within the different cultural tourism types (object, ensemble, event, catering, Socio - cultural tourism ) arise
  • Cultural tourism networks: arise between cultural institutions and tourism institutions,
  • Cultural tourism policy networks: collaborations between the different key stakeholders ( such as culture, tourism, non- profit organizations, media, local population ) within a region.

By Travel Offers on the Internet with the possibility of booking online accessibility for those interested in cultural tourism is facilitated. They are attracted specifically to preferred cultivar, festivals and events. Entire regions advertise under a common name, such as Fairytale Route and event series.

" [ Cultural tourism is defined as the ] careful use of cultural-historical elements and relics and the appropriate region-specific traditional housing and living forms to raise the tourism in the region; with the goal to expand the understanding of the nature and the intrinsic value of a region in the broad framework of a European cultural unity and to deepen and via increased communication between the inhabitants of the European continent and a factually correct, comparative and discursive information the testimonies of past and present at the site "
