
A cutscene (English cutscene ) is a scene used in computer games, which usually serves to convey action without the participation of the player. During a cutscene, the player is set to the passive state of a spectator. Often this also in the actual gameplay directed by the player player character is shown as being self acting figure and thus the unity of players and player character temporarily resolved. To indicate that no more entries must be held, are occasionally imported or appear black bars on a 4:3 aspect ratio in accordance with the cinema ( letterbox).

In camera settings and interface they often are based on feature films. Intermediate sequences may consist of real scenes that have been integrated in digitized form in the game, or from pre-rendered movies (both as Full Motion Video known). They can be implemented also using the game graphics ( graphics engine ) itself. The latter option is more and more the rule, because the graphics of computer games is becoming more realistic or detailed and no visual break between the graph of the sequence and the game graphics created. This also makes for a more flexible integration into the game mechanics is possible.

In contrast to the cutscene is called a script sequence ( scripted event), when a theatrical drama during the actual gameplay takes place and the players left remains active within the action.

  • Computer game concept