
Under Canophobie or Kynophobie (Latin canis or gr κύον kyon " dog" and phobia ) is the fear of dogs.

The fear of dogs could be compared, created from a theory of the primal fear of humans from wild animals such as the wolf. In general, however, people have had traumatic experiences with dogs with Canophobie. Thus, a child who is attacked by a dog, a very long time suffer from the fear of dogs. Another possibility for the emergence of a dog phobia is the model of learning when the person concerned learns as a child by her caregivers that dogs are dangerous by this fear of dogs show.

However, there are also cases where behind the Canophobie infect other traumatic experiences, the cause of which is not associated with a dog. Phobias of everyday objects and living things make after some psychologists view often a defense mechanism of a deep-seated trauma dar. sufferers are limited by the phobia in their everyday lives such and permanently so busy that they are distracted from the actual trauma. Thus, a resolution of the phobia by working on the dog phobia is often not possible because the original trauma remains. If this phobia dissolves, is another distraction symptoms could form.
