
Kyparissos (Greek: κυπάρρισσος; Latin: cupressus, cyparissus ) out Ceos is a figure from Greek mythology. He is a son of Telephus and a companion or lover of Apollo. The young man closes his close friendship with a wild deer. He cared for the animal for a long time, so that it finally offers itself even as a mount him. When he killed it by mistake with his hunting spear, while he sleeps in the undergrowth, he asks the gods to release him from his suffering, and they turn it into a weeping willow. According to other data they transform him into the force as a funeral cypress tree (Greek: Kyparissos ). His tears flow after his transformation as a tree resin on.

According to another, originating from the Orient myth, this was done as Kyparissos, a Cretan youth who had fled to the river Orontes in Syria against the snares of Apollo or the Zephyr.
