Dai Heiwa Kinen Tō

  • Architecture
  • Visitor

The Dai Heiwa Kinentō (Japanese大 平和 祈 念 塔, dt " Big Peace Prayer Tower " ), actually Chōshūha Bankoku Sensō Giseisha Irei Dai Heiwa Kinentō (超 宗派 万 国 戦 争 犠 牲 者 慰 霊 大 平和 祈 念 塔, dt about: " interdenominational great peace prayer cenotaph tower [ in honor ] of the global war victims " ), is a 180- meter high observation tower in Tondabayashi in Japan. He stands in the Holy Land of the Church of Perfect Liberty, one of the new religious movements in Japan.

The reinforced concrete tower was completed on 1 August 1970. In Dai Heiwa Kinentō is a golden container in which the names of all fallen in wars people should be kept regardless of their nationality or religion on microfilm.
