Daihatsu-class landing craft

Landing Craft Type D

The Daihatsu Landing Craft (Japanese大 発 动 艇, Daihatsudōtei, dt " large motor boat " ) was used by the Imperial Japanese Army from the mid 1920s until the early 1930s. The design was similar to the LCVP with a curved ramp that was lowered to go at landing board. However, the landing craft were more than just a seaworthy LCVP; due to its hull design, it had more to recommend as a LCVP. Mounted on a metal hull, it was powered by a diesel engine. The large landing craft was also used as 14 - m- special transport ship (十四 米特 型 运 货船, jūyon mētoru tokugata unkasen ) refers.

The great shape of the boat landing was preceded by a small shape, the Shōhatsudōtei (小 発 动 艇, " small motor boat "). Based on the small landing craft, four types of large landing craft were developed:

Rebuilt ( unarmored ) could carry armament as the landing craft weapons of up to 37 mm caliber.
