Daniel Harold Casriel

Daniel Harold Casriel called Dan Casriel (* March 1, 1924 in New York City; † 7 June 1983) was an American physician, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He worked according to a mandate of the State of New York in the 1960s with drug addicts and developed the bonding therapy, or as a New Identity Process (NIP = process or way of discovering the true identity) respectively.

Emotional deficiency society

He coined the term " emotional deficiency Company", with its consequences for the people: loneliness, despair, numbness and irrelevance. People who are held, looked at and listened to, enter into safe bonds and can build trusting closeness to others are more resilient to crises and more resistant to diseases, addictions or destructive anti-social behavior.

New Identity Process

Casriel wrote in 1972 the book rediscovery of feeling. The target group was next to professionals especially the general public. As the original title A Scream Away from Happiness (German, a cry from happiness away ') says, are feelings that people in the past could not allow, and prevent people from Happiness the experience acquired in the past situation negative experiences. The herausgeschrieene old or acute misfortune to be the first step to overcoming the after Casriel what stand in the way of personal happiness. He described this process as a process of emergence of the true identity (NID ), which he wanted to express that developed by frustrations in child negative attitudes have forced this an identity with which it could not be happy even in adulthood. The expressions and acting out those old feelings by yelling, etc. connected with the realization of the misadjustment and replacing them by new positive attitudes is the subject of the NID The research results Casriels from the last decade of his work are missing in the book rediscovery of feeling. The unfinished manuscript in which they are held, is not yet released for printing.

Reception in Germany

In Germany, his findings were also acclaimed and performed Walther H. Lechler, Ingo Gerstenberg and Jeff Gordon and his wife Julia Gordon ( they jointly operate the center in the Kraichgau ) introduced and disseminated.
