Daniel Schwenter

Daniel Schwenter (also: Schwendermarkt; * January 31, 1585 in Nuremberg, † January 19, 1636 in Altdorf bei Nürnberg ) was a German orientalist and mathematician.

Schwenter studied Oriental languages ​​and mathematics at the University of Altdorf, where he was a pupil of the mathematician and astronomer Johann Richter ( Johannes Praetorius ). In 1606 he became a professor of Hebrew, in 1625 professor of oriental languages ​​and throughout 1628 also professor of mathematics. This is apparent inter alia from a preface written by Schwenter for the book " Kurtzer, gründtlicher, warhaffter, gebesserter and increased Under Richt, Zuberaitung and use Dess Circkels Schregmeß and Linial " by Georg Galgemair and an old chronicle of the University of Altdorf.


  • SUNDE, Janus de Hercules, pseud. [ i.e., Daniel Schwenter ]: Steganologia et Steganographia aucta, Secret, Magic, Natural Red unnd penmanship ... Auffs new revidirt ... the second time in Truck verfertiget by JH de S. Nuremberg.
  • Steganologia & Steganograpia Nova: Secret Magic, Natural Red VND penmanship ...: begern Auff diverse high person VND publicirt to tag given by Resene Gibronte Runeclus Hanedi [ie Daniel Schwenter ] ... Nuremberg: Halbmayer, [ circa 1620 ].
  • De Talmudh Judaeorum oratio. Norimbergæ 1623rd
  • Geometriae practicae novae tractatus. 3 vols Nuremberg 1618-25.
  • Geometriae practicae novae et auctae tractatus. 4 vols Nuremberg 1623-27 (2nd edition ); 1641 (3rd ed.) Re: Nuremberg 1667.
  • With Simon Stevin: Short but thorough report by the Calculation Tabularum sinuum, Tangentium and Secantium. Nuremberg 1628.
  • Georg Philipp Harsdörffer: Deliciae physico- mathematicae or mathematical and philosophical Erquickstunden: in it six hundred -three sixty Beautiful, lovely, and annehmliche Kunststücklein, Auffgaben and questions ausz of arithmetic, Landtmessen, Perspectiv, natural termination and other knowledge managed genome [m ] en, conceived seindt, how such uf the other side of this blats been recorded properly in sequence. 3 vols Nuremberg 1636-52. Reprint: Frankfurt / M. 1990/91.
  • Mensula Praetoriana: description concerning nutzlichen geometric Tischleins of the fürtrefflichen and far-famed Mathematico M. Johanne Praetorian S. invented.. Nuremberg 1641 reprint: Dortmund 1986.
  • Wunderseltzame ... history of the world - folding back plate citizens in Misnopotamia located behind Utopia ... By Peter Squentz [ pseud., Ie D. Schwenter ] given out. [ 1698 ?].