Danube delta dwarf goby

Knipowitschia cameliae is a presumably extinct species of the family of gobies. She was native to the region of the Danube Delta in Romania.


Knipowitschia cameliae reached a standard length of 30 to 32 mm. The wedding dress of the males was black with a bluish shimmer. The back was without scales from the rays 1 to 4 of the second dorsal fin. The females have gray bellies. 31 to 34 scale rows were placed on the lateral line organ.

Occurrence, habitat, way of life

Knipowitschia cameliae is south of the Danube Delta in Golovita - Sinoe Razelm lakes complex known only from a single, small and shallow brackish lagoon near Portita. This lagoon is located behind the sand dunes on the coast and has a muddy bottom. About the way of life nothing is known.


The IUCN lists Knipowitschia cameliae in category " Endangered" ( possibly extinct ). The final proof was in the year 1994. At excursions to the lagoon in the years 1995 and 1998, no specimens of this species could be found anymore.
