Daphne laureola

Bay daphne ( Daphne laureola )

The bay daphne ( Daphne laureola ), also Evergreen Spurge laurel forest or called, a species of the genus is daphne ( Daphne ) and belongs to the family of Seidelbastgewächse ( Thymelaeaceae ).


The evergreen, perennial woody plant grows as a small shrub ( Nanophanerophyt ) and reaches a height between (40 ) 50 to 100 (120 ) cm. The bare, lanceolate to ovate leaves are upside - leathery and 3 to 10 inches long; the top is dull dark green, the underside yellowish with a strong midrib. The leaves are short- stalked and arranged opposite one another.

The slightly fragrant flowers grow to three to seven in a short -stalked racemose inflorescences in the leaf axils near the branch tip. The hermaphrodite, fourfold flowers have four yellow- green kronblattartige, deformed to a bare tube, sepals. Petals are not visible. Flowering period is from February to May

The egg-shaped stone fruits are blue-black, 5 to 10 mm long and start from July to mature.


The lime-loving plant prefers warm summer as location, mild winter deciduous forests (especially beech forests ) and shrubs with moderately dry soils,. In the mountains this kind penetrates until at an altitude of 1000 above sea level. It grows in colline to montane levels.

The distribution area includes Western and Southern Europe, the Mediterranean region and North Africa.

The bay daphne is rare to frequently used in Austria in the federal states of Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Styria and Carinthia.

In Switzerland, the species grows in the Jura, in the West Midlands, south Ticino, Valais in the lower Rhone Valley and in the central North Alpine.

In Germany only in the southern Black Forest and the Middle Rhine naturally occurring, and cited as a Red List category 1.

The plant is sometimes used horticulturally in rock gardens and wild rare.


The laurel is daphne by Daphnetoxin highly toxic.


Two subspecies of the bay daphne been described:

  • Daphne laureola subsp. laureola: The plant reaches heights of growth from 40 to 120 centimeters. The flower tube is 5-9 mm long.
  • Daphne laureola subsp. Philippine ( Gren. ) Rouy: The plant reaches heights of growth of 20 to 40 centimeters. The branches are more or less prostrate. The flower tube is 3 to 5 millimeters long. This subspecies occurs in the Pyrenees.

With the genuine daphne ( Daphne mezereum ) forms Daphne laureola the hybrids Daphne × houtteana Lindl. ex Paxton. Its leaves are semi-evergreen, leathery and blackish red.


The laurel is daphne scattered used as an ornamental plant for groups of trees. He is in culture at least since 1561.
