
Template: Infobox city in Turkey / Maintenance / county without inhabitants or surface

Darıkent (Kurdish: Muxindî, Muxundî ) is a town and a district Belediye Mazgirt the province of Tunceli in Turkey.

The original name of the village is Muhundu. Origin and Meaning of the name are unknown.

Darıkent is also the name of the Bucak, which includes the villages Aktarla, Doğucak Geçitveren, Gelincik Gülec, İbimahmut, Kartutan, Kizilkale, Koyunuşağı, Kuşaklı, Kuşhane, Ortaharman, Otlukaya, Öreniçi, Özdek, Sarıkoç, Sökücek, Sülüntaş, Yasaroglu and Yeldeğen.

The population Darıkents has steadily decreased since 1985. In those days, 2,048 people in Darıkent. 1994, there were about 1,458 more people. At that time the place was the scene of fierce fighting. On September 11, 1994 fighters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, first off the guard from the Jandarma, attacked and killed six Darıkent teachers and kidnapped two more people. Even in 2008 it came in the vicinity of the place to attacks and fights. In 2009, the population was 208 people.

According to Law No. 5747 Darıkent to lose its status as Belediye (Municipality).
