Das Veilchen

The violet is a 1774 by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and authored the first time in 1775 in Iris. In zweyten band third piece published poem.

It was set to music in 1783 by Johann Friedrich Reichardt; another setting of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1785 (KV 476). There are also a number of other musical settings that are largely forgotten, among others, Joseph Anton Steffan, Johann André, Anna Amalia of Brunswick- Wolfenbüttel and Clara Schumann.


The poem describes a violet, the desires at the approach of a shepherdess to be picked from this. This takes the inconspicuous flowers but not true and it occurs; the violet nevertheless delighted that it comes through the shepherdess to death. Hans Kuhn described the poem as " masochistic counterpart " for Goethe Heidenröslein.
