
The existence analysis is one of Psychoanalysis related psychiatric and psychotherapeutic direction following the phenomenological method and philosophically oriented especially to Martin Heidegger.

The analysis of existence is because of their philosophical critique of the psychoanalytic naturalism often associated with humanistic directions of psychotherapy. This is true but only very limited, mainly because today's analysis of Dasein takes up the fundamental discoveries of Freud and interprets existential philosophical.

History of the existence analysis

The analysis of existence was created in the 1940s from psychoanalysis. It was founded by Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966) and Medard Boss (1903-1990), each developed a different conception of existence analysis. Both were trained as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. Unlike C. G. Jung and Alfred Adler criticized Binswanger and Boss not specific content of psychoanalytic theory, but their philosophical- anthropological foundations.

The name " Daseinsanalysis " comes from the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, who has referred in his major work, Being and Time, the human being as "being there ".

Thus, the existence analysis comprises two independent directions: founded by Binswanger psychiatric analysis of existence and founded by Medard Boss psychotherapeutic analysis of existence, which is also referred to as " Zurich School daseinsanalysis ".

Ludwig Binswanger

Binswanger main concern of psychiatry was himself. He wanted to overcome her status as a mere conglomerate of psychiatric individual disciplines and establish psychiatry as a unified science. A unified science but can psychiatry after Binswanger only be when it is based on a philosophically clarified man. This image of man he explicated in his main theoretical work of basic shapes and knowledge of human existence, which appeared in 1942. Human existence is there in-the- world - about - the - world - out - to be the designated critical reference to Martin Heidegger's talk of in- the-world - as.

After 1942 Binswanger developed its own be there analytical methodology for the study of mental illness. It is based on the concept of world design. This method combines phenomenological, hermeneutic and structural elements; it is applied in its purest form in the famous schizophrenia study Ellen West (1944 /45). The revolutionaries of the methodology for the study of the World Designs insane people is that they do not look at what is missing from the mentally ill as compared to healthy subjects, but in what particular world it exists: "It is the world designs that distinguish the mentally ill people from the healthy ". The analysis of existence Binswanger still constitutes an important school of thought within psychiatry and his schizophrenia trials belong to the classical psychiatric journals.

Towards the end of his life (1958 - 1965) returns Binswanger under the influence of the Freiburg philosopher Wilhelm Szilasi back to the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. In place of the hermeneutic- structural analysis of world designs delivers the exact descriptive detection of pathological changes in the structure of awareness services. The two works in this post- analytical phase be there are melancholy and mania ( 1960) and the Fury (1965).

Medard Boss

With Medard Boss, the existence analysis of psychotherapeutic direction was. Together with his closest disciples Gion Condrau he founded in 1971 in Zurich, a training institution that " existence Analytical Institute for Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics ". The practice of analytical psychotherapy boss be there retains the basic psychoanalytical arrangement and the general rules of abstinence, of free association and evenly suspended attention. However, you rejects Freud's conception of the therapeutic relationship as a transfer from relationship because she misunderstands the new and positive in the therapeutic relationship. Is also rejected Freud's interpretation technique because it arbitrarily push the phenomena under a meaning that does not let to identify themselves in the phenomena.

For Boss' Daseinsanalysis personal friendship and close cooperation with Martin Heidegger was critical. 1959-1969 resulted Boss and Heidegger together through the Zollikon seminars. The existence analysis of Boss is therefore strongly influenced by Heidegger's late event - thinking. In his major theoretical work plan of the medicine and psychology (1970 /75) he intends to introduce in the whole of medicine and psychology, a new way of thinking, which overcomes the " possessive subjectivism " of modernity. Among boss understood within the context of Heidegger those prevailing in the modern era mindset, which reduces both the healthy and the sick people to the mere object of technical control. Many publications Boss next to the main work plan of the medicine are the two books to be there analytic dream interpretation of lasting importance. They form an important phenomenological alternative to the interpretations of dreams by Sigmund Freud and CG Jung. Boss was also with his book Introduction to Psychosomatic Medicine from 1954 to the pioneers of psychosomatic medicine.

New Developments

The existence analysis has been further developed in the German-speaking countries since 1983 mainly from Alice Holzhey Kunz ( b. 1943 ). Starting point for this development is the inclusion of Sigmund Freud's discovery that psychopathological symptoms have an unconscious sense that can be revealed with an analytically - hermeneutic method. Holzhey Kunz connects Freud's discovery with existential philosophical insights to the human condition that it relates primarily of Kierkegaard, Heidegger and Sartre. It has a new quality be there analytically - hermeneutic conception of mental distress. In withdrawal from psychoanalysis understands mental suffering not only as a "suffering from reminiscences " (ie unprocessed childhood experiences ), but also as a "suffering on his own " (ie, basic conditions of human existence). Because Holzhey Kunz brings mental suffering in connection with a particular individual clairaudience for the abysmal and the uncanny of human existence full train, which refers to the mental suffering people as a philosopher in spite of himself.

From Holzhey Kunz are three books. The first book sufferings of existence (1994 ) contains the first part of a critical appreciation of the theories of Ludwig Binswanger and Medard Boss; in the second part of Freud's basic ideas will be there analytically recorded and interpreted; the third part contains the floor plan to be there a new analytical- hermeneutic conception of mental distress. The second book in the subject of the cure (2002) begins with a sharp critique of the current trend to eliminate the subject from psychotherapy on behalf of a misunderstood scientific ideal. The author proves that Freud, unlike Binswanger and Boss, even mental suffering has linked with secret intentions of the suffering subject. She wants to win for the analysis of existence and at the same time a radical weak concept of the subject allows, think with Freud's unconscious. The philosophy of Sartre's first receives an important role alongside that of Heidegger. The third book Daseinsanalysis (2008) systematically leads into the hermeneutic- be there analytic thinking and also imparts a textbook -like overview of the analytical and be there hermeneutic view of basic themes of psychology, psychopathology and psychotherapy.

The Zurich existence analyst Uta Jaenicke has redeveloped in withdrawal of 'boss' dream theory a hermeneutic- analytical be there dream interpretation posed by Heidegger's analysis of moods and interprets the dream as a set into the picture confrontation with one's own being.

Dissemination daseinsanalysis

Ludwig Binswanger wished to found a school, but his thinking has to psychiatry and moreover the humanities and the philosophical anthropology strongly influenced. Psychiatric authors who have taken Binswanger be there analytical approach and developed are: Wolfgang Blankenburg, Alfred Kraus, Roland Kuhn, Hubertus Tellenbach. The Binswanger archive is now part of the Tübingen University Archives. It was established by Georg Fichtner in the 1980s. Under the direction of Albrecht Hirschmüller today is the scientific exploration and evaluation of Binswanger's work in progress.

The founded by Medard Boss psychotherapeutic Daseinsanalysis is now represented by various national companies ( Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Greece, France, England). These companies offer part to be there also training in psychotherapy. These companies are members of the International Federation of Daseinsanalysis IFDA, which organizes every two years, international congresses. It also publishes the yearbook " Daseinsanalysis ".
