
Data Portability is the idea that users move their identities, profiles, photos, videos and other data from various online platforms, copy, monitor and exchange.

The project

Data Portability is the name of a project whose goal is the definition of general practices to implement the Data Portability idea. These existing open standards and protocols are to be used to enable the portability of user data between online tools, social networks and other online services.

The Data Portability Project was founded in November 2007 by Chris Saad and Ashley Angell of Faraday Media.

In January 2008, several major online services of Data Portability Group have joined: Google, Facebook and Plaxo 8 January 2008, followed by Drupal, Netvibes and MyStrands, then came LinkedIn, Flickr, Six Apart and Twitter as well as Digg and Microsoft.

Technologies and Standards

There are a variety of existing, open standards, such as microformat that have the portability of data to the destination. These are, for example,

Security and Protection

The international technical standardization initially includes only the formatting of data, but neither their security against falsification nor the protection against theft. Extent to which such security is reached or a protection is granted depends entirely on the particular providers that implement these standards, accompanied or not with other measures.
