Dau al Set

Dau al Set [ daw əɫ sɛt ] ( Catalan for, dice, showing a seven- ') was a Spanish artist group whose members were Catalan artists and writers.

The group was founded in Barcelona in 1948. The founding members were the painters and artists Modest Cuixart, Joan Ponç, Juan José Tharrats, and Antoni Tàpies, the philosopher Arnau Puig and the poet Joan Brossa, who created the group name and the group much inspired. Another member was Juan Eduardo Cirlot. Other artists who were not members, but were mitvertreten of the group exhibitions, were: Antonio Saura, Jorge Oteiza and Josep Maria Subirachs.

The group name Dau al Set (, dice, showing a seven 'or' seven -sided die ') is linked to the pronounced in the Barcelona pre-war tradition of surrealism. Had Dau al Set, much like the artist group El Paso, founded in Madrid in 1957 an enormous importance for the development of modern art after the Second World War in Spain.

Dau al Set published a magazine under the group name. The magazine was published in Catalan, Spanish and French. The magazine Dau al Set themed addition to art and literature and philosophy, ethnology and anthropology. The magazine was supported by the art collector and milliners Joan Prats and Josep Vicenç Foix the poet.

Dau al Set was founded in opposition to the academic and statecraft. The goal was the development of abstract painting in abstract expressionism and Informal. The source of artistic creation should be the unconscious, the imagination and magic. The group had connections to the Surrealist and Dadaist movements, but remained independent in their artistic orientation.

Dau al Set began to disintegrate in 1952 and dissolved in 1956 finally on. The individual members went their own artistic paths. Only Brossa, Ponç and Cirlot remained faithful to the original spirit.

Literature and sources

  • Hansel, Sylvaine; Karge, Henrik: History of Spanish Art - An Introduction, ( in 2 volumes ); Volume 2: From the Renaissance to Today; Berlin, 1991; ISBN 3-496-01082-7
  • Cross, Jordi ( ET ): Dau al Set, la Segona avantguarda Catalana; Barcelona 2011; ISBN 978-84-7226-941-5
  • Group of artists (visual arts )
  • Literary group
  • Literature ( Catalan)
  • Spanish artist
  • Spaniard
  • Modern Art