David Bankier

David Bankier ( born January 19, 1947 in Zeckendorf; † 26 February 2010) was an Israeli historian.


Banker, was born in the German kibbutz light of life, lay in Zeckendorf, today a district of the city Scheßlitz in the district of Bamberg. His parents were Eastern European Jews who were preparing for emigration to Palestine. His family emigrated to Argentina in 1952.

After the Six -Day War banker settled in Israel. He studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and later taught there as a professor of Holocaust Studies. He was also from 2000 Head of the Research Institute of Yad Vashem.

A central theme of bankers was the question of to what extent the German population was informed about the mass murder of the Jews, and what their attitude was to the Jews. Pioneered banker doing with the development and evaluation of partly unpublished sources from memoirs, diaries and letters from witnesses. In his book The public opinion in the Hitler- state declares banker the indifference of the public to the pursuit rather than indifference or tacit consent, but - in contrast to Ian Kershaw and Otto Dov Kulka - with the unwillingness of people to admit their involvement in the wrong. They had persuaded themselves, as supposed to be immune ignorant against retaliation and revenge.


  • Public opinion in the Hitler- state. The "Final Solution " and the Germans. Berlin -Verl. Spitz, 1995. ISBN 3-87061-478-1
  • (Eds. ), together with Herbert Obenaus and Daniel Fraenkel: Historical Handbook of Jewish communities in Lower Saxony and Bremen, Volume 1 - 2 of Göttingen 2005, ISBN 3-89244-753-5
  • (Eds. ), Secret Intelligence and the Holocaust. Collected Essays from the Colloquium at THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK GRADUATE CENTER, New York ( Enigma books) / Jerusalem ( Yad Vashem ) 2004. ISBN 1-929631 -60- X