David Brickhill-Jones

David Brickhill -Jones ( born 1981 ) is a British orienteers.

A native of Wales Brickhill -Jones surprised in 2002 as fourth in the sprint at the European Championships in Hungary. A medal he missed it by a mere 0.2 seconds. This success but Brickhill -Jones was not able for it. He started down to three world championships in the sprint, managed it twice a place in the finals and took it places 22 (2004 ) and 17 ( 2006). In a World Cup race in the 2005 season, he finished second. After a three-year hiatus in international championships, he was nominated for the World Games in Taiwan in 2009, but missed there too placements in the front of the field.

Brickhill -Jones lives in Helsinki, started in international races but for the Norwegian club Halden SK. His British team is the South Yorkshire Orienteers.

