David Harris (protester)

David Harris ( born 1946 in Fresno, California ) is an American journalist and author. He is known mainly for its protest against the U.S. war in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s, were convened specifically against conscription in the U.S., because of the 1963-1973 million on military service in Vietnam.

He joined the school in Fresno in 1963 with honors; Then he enrolled at Stanford University. In 1966, he was there for one academic year President of the Student Association. Parallel Harris was active in the civil rights movement.

In 1967 he founded the " Resistance", an anti - conscription movement, which lasted young men to not cooperate with the Selective Service System, an agency that provides information on all potential soldiers, which can be used for the defense case collects.

Harris himself in 1969 after he refused to answer about his data, was arrested and sentenced to 15 months in prison in a federal prison, because of draft evasion (Eng. about "refusal of military service "). In October 1970, he was released on probation.

1975 David Harris was unsuccessful Democratic candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives, in a constituency, among other things, Silicon Valley included.

From 1968 to 1973 Harris was with the singer and peace activist Joan Baez and 1975-1993 with a journalist from the New York Times, Lacey Josburgh married. Joan Baez spoke at the beginning of her performance on the first day of the Woodstock festival in 1969, the detention of "David" to.
