De facto standard

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An industry standard, or - especially in the English language - De facto standard, rarely also de facto standard, is a technical standard that has not been adopted by a standards body, but is defined by industrial companies.

An industry standard can develop through the practice of many users and different manufacturers to be technically useful and meaningful over the years. In general, it is not possible to establish such industry standards from the outset, such as in the GSM standard ETSI.

The economic objective of an industry standard is to comply with a specific pragmatic rules at a certain problem. Once a "critical mass " has been exceeded, the acceptance accelerated even more. A ( inter) national standardization procedure as standards or de jure standards but not necessarily to be carried out.

A property of an industry standard is that the definition and development is controlled even more than with standards generally by economic interests and patents involved in this process, companies or interest groups. This can be illustrated by the example DOS: DOS was considered an industry standard for PC operating systems; however, there was at the same time, various forms of the system ( PC-DOS, MS- DOS, DR -DOS ), which were themselves not fully compatible.

An industry standard is specifically promoted by individual companies, or created by collusion of several companies. Example of this is Ethernet: The Ethernet specification has been agreed by the three companies (DEC, Intel, Xerox ) and later explained by the IEEE and ISO international standards.


Some well-known examples of industry standards are:

  • Compact Cassette Philips
  • Compact Disc from Philips and Sony
  • Blu- ray Disc as the successor to the DVD
  • Betacam and his successors for video recording and playback in the professional field
  • XLR plug into the PA and studio equipment
  • RCA plug to home audio and video equipment
  • As an algorithm for lossless data compression and file formats zip and gzip, deflate based on Deflate
  • Drawing Interchange Format (DXF) as an interchange format for vector graphics
  • PDF for electronic documents, the version 1.7 is the ISO standard ISO 32000-1
  • IBM PC as a template for IBM - PC compatible computers
  • RSS Version 2.0 messaging and between sites
  • Short Message Service ( SMS) for text-based, mobile communications
  • SQL as a language for database queries
  • The water hose connection system of Gardena
  • SDS drill shank of the company Robert Bosch GmbH