Dead water

Deadwater called - depending on the context - either special cases of water or flow phenomena in water.

In the bottom

Fine-pore (loose ) rock can bind so tightly by capillary water that it can not mobilize plants. It's dead water for the plants. The smaller the pore, the higher the suction pressure. Pores with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.2 micron generate suction pressure of 10,000 to 15,000 hPa These suctions sand may be around 3 vol - %, clay 15 clay and about 35 vol - bind % water.

In the Hydrology

Standing water or areas that do not participate in the flowing motion of a river, is called slack water; they can deplete oxygen and are referred due to poor living conditions as dead water.

In the fluid mechanics

Generate flow around the body, depending on the shape and flow parameters on the leeward side vortex ( see also Karman vortex street ). In the fluidized zone, the flow is opposite to the main flow direction run, also, the exchange may be reduced with the flow medium. This area is referred to as a dead water, regardless of whether the fluid medium is air or water.

In shipping

When in the vicinity of flow junctions light freshwater is coated onto a heavy brine can an entering vessel at the interface producing surface waves which brake the driving without allowing to determine the cause of the surface. Such water bodies are called dead water (internal waves).
