Debout Congolais

Debout Congolais ( Arise, Congolese ) is the national anthem of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The lyrics were written by Joseph Lutumba, the Melodia by Simon -Pierre Boka. It was introduced after independence in 1960. As the country in 1972, renamed Zaire, it was replaced by the new anthem La Zaïroise. When returning to the name of the Congo in 1997, the old anthem was reintroduced.


Debout Congolais

Debout Congolais Unis par le sort Unis dans l' effort pour l' indépendance Dressons nos fronts Longtemps COURBES Et pour de bon Prenons Le plus bel é Dans la paix

Ô Peuple ardent Par le Labeur Nous bâtirons un pays plus beau qu'avant Dans la paix

Citoyens, Entonnez, L' hymne sacre de votre solidarité fièrement Saluez L' emblème d'or de votre souveraineté Congo

Don béni, Congo In aïeux, Congo Ô Pays, Congo Bien unpopular ones, Congo

Nous peuplerons ton sol Et nous assurerons ta grandeur

Trente juin, Ô doux soleil Trente juin, juin you trente Jour sacre, sois le témoin Jour sacre de l' immortel serment de liberté Que nous léguons A notre postérité Pour toujours.

German translation of the national anthem of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Arise, Congolese

Arise, Congolese united by fate. United in the struggle for independence Let's upright Since we went long curved And we finally The best start in peace.

Oh glowing people Through the work we build in peace A more beautiful country than before.

Citizens, Awake, The sacred hymn of your solidarity welcomes proud The golden emblem of your sovereignty Congo.

Blessed gift of Congo Of the ancestors of Congo Oh our country, Congo A hot favorite, Congo

We will populate your floor And we will assure your size.

30 June, oh delicate sun June 30, June 30 Crowned day, the witness was Crowned day of the immortal oath of freedom We leave For our descendants forever
