
A decade (abbreviated Jz ) and decade ( altgr. δεκάς ( DEKA ) with the root word δεκάδ ( dekád ) " number ten ", " group of ten ") or decade (Latin decem, " ten ", annus, " year " ) is a 10-year period.

Date in decades

The counting of decades begins, as the centuries and millennia, with the year 1 BCE (see also the year zero). Accordingly, they are also counted in every century starting with the first year of the century. The thus counted decades always start with the years with a 1 on the unit digit. In the 21st century, accordingly, began the first decade on 1 January 2001 and expired on 31 December 2010. This classification is used in the writing of history, but also, for example, from politics to devote time periods specified objectives (eg Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World from 2001 to 2010 ).

In colloquial language, however, there are the concepts of tens " sixties ", " eighties " and so on, using for example the "Sixties" of the 20th century for the period 1960 to 1969 is.

Ages in decades


In epidemiology and medicine often the term decade or decade is used for ages as the most likely occurrence of diseases. This happens mostly when the epidemiological data situation is not so accurate that they would allow a precise classification in certain years of life. In general, therefore, the age in decades is never meant exactly, but represents an approximation to a statistical dar.

These decades of life are given as absolute time intervals of exactly 10 years duration, they are each bounded by " 10- birthdays " ( " between zero and zero"). The first decade ( decade ) begins at birth ( " zero") and ends exactly with the 10th anniversary ( "zero") - so it starts with the beginning of the first year and ends with the completion of the tenth year of life. Typical examples would be:

  • " The Madelung - fat neck occurs mainly in men in the 4th to 6th decade. " Means " at the age of about 30 to 60 years " and not " 40-69 years ", as one would easily believe in a quick reading.
  • " In the first decade " therefore means " from birth until the tenth birthday ".